Minor Participant Information


The pit/infield area at Riverside International Speedway is generally restricted to those 19 and older. Minors may be allowed access to the infield area provided:

  1. The application form below is submitted at least seven (7) days before the requested entry; and
  2. Government-issued photo ID must be presented with the application for the minor and BOTH parents/legal guardians. In the case of sole custody of the minor, evidence must be provided with the application; and
  3. A fully completed electronic Minor insurance waiver is submitted with the application (can be found on our website in the Racers Only section).

This is an annual application process; RIS reserves the right to deny any application, without cause. If the application is successful, the Minor will be issued a Minor Access to Pit  card which must be presented at the pit entry, at every event.

If part of a race team please indicate position along with team (driver name, division, and a contact phone number)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Both forms are required.
MUST be completed by a Parent/Legal Guardian of the Minor for whom the application is being submitted.

The electronic waiver at the following link MUST be completed by both parents/legal guardians prior to submitting the Minor Pit Entry Card application.